Views from the Hills by R. E. Stevens, GENESIS II (The Second Beginning) E-Mail

From Idea to the Market -- A Vague Image

Over the past five years and especially during the past two months, I have been reviewing how different companies develop ideas into market brands. In all cases but one, the protocols focus on the marketing aspects with little reference to the product development. That is, the guidelines focus on analysis of the existing market, and the development of the concept, marketing plan, advertising and the promotional plan. Product testing is usually only mentioned in passing except for addressing the need to assess the market potential through a simulated market evaluation of the Brand in its final form.

Very little was found where the standard protocols addressed the development of the concept to a product and then to a brand. In some cases the protocol calls for doing a Home Use Test generally indicating only one test and not even a mention of the type of test as if there was only one type. Is this limited perspective due to the fact that the marketing strategies are written by those involved in the marketing side of the ledger? Is it because of a lack of awareness of the R&D side of the business? Is it because we are really ignoring good product development practices for the sake of time or money? I don't know, but for me, it shows up as a lack of appreciation for the value of the Product Development Process.

There are a broad variety of home use test protocols for developing market-ready products. I have experience with over 25 different Product/Brand Home Use Research Protocols, each aimed at different levels and types of understanding. Following are what I consider eight important product/brand research categories. Within each of the eight there are a number of specific protocols.

Performance Studies (Technical Studies) -- Does the product do the job as intended (regardless of whether the consumer likes the product or not)?

Vocabulary Studies -- How does the consumer describe the product, its use and the end results? What are the key words and thoughts to be used in concept development?

Acceptance Studies -- How well is the product appreciated? What do the users see and like or dislike?

Alternative Choices -- What are the preferred choices between alternatives?

Concept & Use -- Does the product live up to the promises? How well do the concept and product work together?

Packaging Studies -- There are three major areas of concern in Packaging Research: efficacy, copy and attractiveness.

Extended Use (one of the most overlooked research categories except in the areas of health and safety) -- Are there any long-term performance negatives?

Brand Identified Concept & Use -- Is the concept appropriate for the brand Image? Is there a good match between the positioning, product, package and price?
