Views from the Hills by R. E. Stevens, GENESIS II (The Second Beginning) E-Mail

Packaging -- Revisited

I have written on a number of occasions about what I believe to be the most neglected component of a brand. I don't believe many people have an appreciation for what the package brings to the brand and even fewer devote much time evaluating the individual attributes of the package. This lack of devotion to packaging was very clear in a recent meeting. For almost all product categories, there are two packages involved in the brand. The first is the package or case that holds multiple units of the brand. The second and the one I will focus on today is the single unit package. That is the package that the consumer encounters (for most brands).

From my point of view, the five most important packaging attributes are:

All attributes should be evaluated for all brands. Attribute importance will vary by product category but again, all are important and therefore, should be assessed and maximized.

We should not look at the package as something that sets on the store shelf. It is important to the brand from manufacturing to warehousing to the store to the home and finally disposal.

There are many purposes of the package and each must meet a level of expectation. Some of the purposes are as follows:

These are all opportunities for purchase stimulation and brand differentiation. They can be the needed "Tie breakers."